4x5s everywhere

Well almost . . . When you use an 8x10 for a few years everything else just starts to feel a little small. It is like driving a dump truck all day then picking up a Tonka Toy. That being said, it is still good to be out seeing people using cameras with some umph to them. But it is funny when people talk about a Hass like it is sizable camera . . .

I was driving down Delaware Ave a few months ago, and there was a guy in the median with a 4x5, and I was like, "hell yeah! get some!" Then on Thursday I came out of Project Basho for some coffee and there was a youngish guy across the street with a 4x5. So I was surprised as hell when on Friday night at 30th St. Station, while I was waiting for the last train out of town, I saw yet another guy (maybe same guy) with a 4x5 a few platforms away. I wanted to go up to talk to him and just see what was going on, but I know how annoying it is when people come up to me while I am working asking me dumb questions about why I'm using such a big camera, or what I could possibly be photographing . . .

My best 4x5 sighting was during spring break in 2001 driving down PCH on a trip in Big Sur. She was young, blond, and standing on the retaining wall with the camera pointed down, looking into the ocean.